Cosmic Crusader - Cosmic Calculations 1 - 2 - 3

1. Inhale
2. CosmiCrusader ft. Dr. Michio Kaku
3. Opening of the Mouth
4. Handbook For The Recently Deceased (Calculations)
5. Fingerprints of the Gods
6. Global Brain
7. Illusionist ft. Rasul Allah & Atun Sen Geb
8. Serpent & The Rainbow (Imagine That) ft. Atun Sen Geb & Tehuti Mos

iTunes | Amazon | ALBUM SAMPLER
1. Intervude
2. Overstanding ft. Dr. Malachi Z. York & Odin Smith
3. Gnostic Gospels ft. Rasul Allah, Atun Sen Geb & Jon Murdock
4. Keeper of the Flame ft. White Lotus
5. P.S.A.2.U.S.A. ft. Alex Jones & Jon Murdock
6. Interstellar Storyteller ft. Mad Scientific Productions
7. Wondering Stranger ft. Odin Smith

1. Reality Check
2. Ad Nauseam
3. Encyclopedia Galactica
4. Crystal Skulls ft. Atun Sen Geb & Rasul Allah
5. Twisted Language ft. Aleister Crowley
6. Once Upon A Timeless Moment ft. Atun Sen Geb & Lex Starwind
7. Gaia Principle
8. Exhale

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